GSA competitively awards single Vendor for the Dell GSA Government-wide Strategic Solutions (GSS) for Desktops and Laptops IT Schedule 70 BPA Vehicle.
San Marcos, CA – Washington DC, – September 4, 2019:
MCP Computer Products Inc., (dba MCP GOV); is proud to be the Single Awardee of a competitive BPA process by the US General Services Administration (GSA), a one year Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with two more optional years for Dell Products. The MCP (Dell) GSA GSS BPA provides a pre-competed, easy to use vehicle open to all federal agencies, state and local governments.
The GSA GSS BPA allows all government agencies to buy preconfigured Dell laptops, desktop, tablets and monitors, optional upgrades and services, and a faster, more efficient business model. The BPA solution provides cost savings to the government with next generation technology customer service capabilities while streamlining procurement requirements.